Try Something Bhutanese

The magnificence and grandeur of Bhutan are not kept from the world anymore. The nation has given itself out to be seen by the world, hypnotic as heaven, the culture, the people, the location and everything about this place is unique. It might not be new but the nation is extremely wealthy in terms of Culture and heritage.

You can be a part of the culture by integrating few of the activities below


Dress in Bhutanese costume by choosing your favourite colour.

The national dress is an integral part of the Bhutanese Identity. Introduced at the time of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel in the 17th century. Men wear a gho and women wear Kira.

A gho is a long robe fastened with woven belt at the waist and worn to knee length, somewhat akin to the Scottish Kilt.

The Kira is ankle-length rectangular cloth, folded over the body and worn over a blouse known as wonju. The kira is fastened at the waist with a cloth belt called the kera and secured at the shoulders with an intricately cast silver clipped called a koma. A jacket-like garment called the toego completes the essemble.

The set of Kira price starts from USD 40 and man’s Gho from USD 80 onwards.

However the gho and kira made out of silk, with extraordinarily detailed and intricate pattern known as kishuthara can cost USD 1000 or more.


You can try your hand in making authentic Bhutanese paper of your own as a souvenir. It is locally known as Desho paper   Deh-sho paper was originally used by monasteries for woodblock and manuscript books and also for writing prayer books.

 Visitors can observe the entire process of producing handmade paper using ancient traditional methods that have been practiced for generations. The whole process of paper being made from the pulp to the finished paper would be an amazing activity to add in your to-do list. 


The national sport of Bhutan Archery. The level of passion and excitement Bhutanese have for archery is unmatched; it would be wrong not to include Da while talking about Bhutan. The zeal on the faces to see and arrow zip 100m past them onto the target is peerless. You try this out with your family; it will be an enjoyable learning experience for all.


Another fun activity to try in Bhutan would be the Traditional Hot Stone Bath. 

The bathwater is called Menchu/ Smenchu or medicinal water; it is made by boiling Artemisia leaves with fresh river water. The process includes hot river stones, which are roasted in the fire until they give out a gleaming red look. The water temperature is increased by inserting the hot stones up a wood chute which is connected to the wooden tub containing medicinal water.

The holes in the wooden chute allow water to be heated quickly, this prevents any burn or injury chances; it is very safe. In the culture, the stones are supposed to possess healing powers that they transmit in mineral form into the water. After a long day having fun outdoors, you can end it relaxing in Menchu water while enjoying hot drinks. You can add on scrub and massage if you need it. This would be an excellent way to release all the tension and stress and regain your calm and composure for the next thrilling day traveling and seeing Bhutan.


One of the best ways to mix with locals would be by taking part with them as they prepare Bhutanese dishes for you .You can spend time while making meals and then later savor it. Most Bhutanese foods are rich and spicy with a lot of cheese and chilies. It has also got some cool flavors up its sleeves that are seen in the dishes found in local restaurants. Ema Datshi, Jasha Maroo or Maru, Phaksha Paa, and Red Rice are few of the most famous dishes this land has given to the world. Learning the skill of Bhutanese cooking would be an amazing event to undergo and take back with you to your home.


Suja or Butter tea is a staple drink in Bhutan. Butter tea making can be fun.

In fact, drinking butter tea is a regular part of life in Bhutan. Before going to work, a Bhutanese will typically enjoy several bowls of this beverage to kick-start the day.

Traditionally, Suja is made from tea leaves, water, salt and butter.

You can try a hand in the traditional Butter Tea making process. It would be fun using a wooden churner to churn the butter for tea. Back in the olden days, the preparation of Suja was quite a big task. To make this specialty in Bhutan, a wooden churner was used to churn the butter for the tea.


Homestay in Bhutan is all about knowing Bhutan culture and tradition.

If you want to start your day with the crowing of the cock, and a cup of Butter Tea, or see the farmer milking or harvesting then homestay can be the perfect answer for you. Nowadays people prefer staying in homestays as compared to staying in a hotel. There are ample reasons behind it like you will get personalized service as you become the center of attraction of the hosts of the family. If you are one of those who miss home-cooked meals while travelling then you should give a try staying at the homestay for once. You get the opportunity to meet the local people which are indeed much more beneficial for you as locals can tell you various other historical places to visit around the city, which even Google fails to detect. Staying at the homestay can be a very enriching experience for you as it will not only help you to penetrate through Bhutanese Culture but will also give you an opportunity to see life through different aspects.

So it would be a great idea to try out at least one night homestay in Bhutan. However if you still prefer to stay in a luxurious hotel then you can experience a few homestay activities like milking cows or preparing Bhutanese Dish or having a homestay meal with locals.